What is an Ice Bath good for? | Icetubs | Join the Cold
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What is an Ice Bath good for?

Cold Theraphy
5 minute read
November 11, 2024
What is an Ice Bath good for?

So, what is an ice bath good for? An ice bath has many benefits, including strengthening the immune system, boosting blood circulation, and improving skin health. In this article, we will explore the advantages of taking an ice bath and how it can positively impact your health and well-being. If you've ever considered trying an ice bath, this article will give you all the information you need to get started.

What is an ice bath good for? Warmth is wonderful, isn't it? A nice hot shower, a holiday in the sun or a lovely spring sun. We all cheer up from the heat, not from the cold. At least that's what we think. Because the moment we start to embrace the cold we learn to deal with it, we might love it even more than the heat.


Despite the fact that a lot of scientific research is still being done into cold, cold therapy and ice baths, a lot is already known. Bart Eigenhuis, an expert in the field of cold and breathing therapy, tells RTL news that you don't get sick from the cold, but from a virus. It is precisely by exposing your body to cold that you notice how strong it is.

Experiencing extremely low temperatures strengthens your immune system. Your body produces more white blood cells and this increases your resistance. And the better your immune system works, the less likely you will get sick. A study done by the AMC even shows that taking a cold shower every day already works and leads to 29% less absenteeism.


  1. It works refreshing and enlightening
  2. Happiness hormones are released
  3. You give your blood circulation a big boost
  4. Your skin becomes less dry
  5. You better warm up your body


Making your body warmer I hear you think. Yes, of course! When you train more in the cold, you can better deal with violent temperature changes. Cold activates brown fat. Brown fat is a good fat unlike white fat. White fat stores energy and that's what makes you gain weight. Brown fat uses energy to heat your body.

Brown fat is actually a kind of survival mechanism. If you do not use this fat, it will decrease. That happens when we stop exposing our body to cold. So we can train this by exposing our body more to cold. Making brown fat more active can also serve as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, writes the diabetes fund. Whether it really helps to improve insulin sensitivity remains to be seen in further studies.


What is an ice bath good for? Quite a lot actually.

Enough benefits to exchange that daily hot shower for a cold one. The first time is really not fun I can tell you, but you get used to it quickly! And those benefits, what an ice bath is good for, they only indicate that you should do it.

Because let's face it, radiant skin isn't something everyone wants? Or no longer getting sick from every cold also sounds like music to our ears. When do you take the first step?

Now that you know what is an ice bath good for, would you like to have one at your home? We will be happy to help you with your first and certainly your next ice bath  sessions. Check out our Ice baths or contact us!

Cold Theraphy
November 11, 2024

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